Suppliers who primarily handle manufacturing, have a 2-Star Rating or above, and feature on the homepage.
Years in industry(34)
The data is from the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Quality management certified
Suppliers who pass Quality Management System Certification, and have onsite materials or finished products inspected, as certified by independent third parties
Finished product inspection
The data is from onsite check of the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Competitive OEM factory
Suppliers who primarily handle manufacturing, have a 2-Star Rating or above, and feature on the homepage.
Years in industry(34)
The data is from the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Quality management certified
Suppliers who pass Quality Management System Certification, and have onsite materials or finished products inspected, as certified by independent third parties
Finished product inspection
The data is from onsite check of the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
Verified onsite by world-leading inspection company, TUV Group